Episode 13: Reclaiming inspiration and music with Skip Sams

Episode 13 September 14, 2022 01:07:45
Episode 13: Reclaiming inspiration and music with Skip Sams
Recovery Plus Podcast: F*ck Yesterday, Focus on Today
Episode 13: Reclaiming inspiration and music with Skip Sams

Sep 14 2022 | 01:07:45


Show Notes

“Making amends with our muse. I thought I lost my voice and music career, but I remembered the day I made the conscious decision to close my recording studio so that I could sell meth and use full time. I abandoned my music. But music was like an old friend, there waiting for me when I was ready to make amends. My voice is different, but I am different. My dreams are different, but I am striving for a different life.”


Skip Sams is the Founder and Head Coach of Sober On Stage. He is an award-winning composer and multimedia producer. Skip has over 16 years of recovery from crystal meth, alcoholism, and bipolar disorder. In 2004, he was diagnosed with HIV. For over a decade, Skip has been defying these diagnoses and helping musicians and performing artists who have lost their technical skills, disconnected from their inner music, and whose spark of creativity has gone dark. It is his mission to help 10,000 musicians share their light and hope of recovery through 10,000 recordings and 100,000 performances by 2030. Skip last smoked a joint on April 20th, 2006, making his sobriety date 4/20.




For more information about Skip, see below:





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