Matty, like several young people in their early twenties, didn’t miss an invite to drink, use, and party.
However, Matty quickly learned that he was unable to stop the party high. So, the party turned to daily use, using at work, stealing to chase the high, which resulted in bouts of homelessness, emerging past trauma issues, sex work, mental health issues, and a suicide attempt.
His goal is to offer his story in hopes to help others.
Join Dr. Mei-Li Hennen in Episode 57 as she interviews Rachel Vasquez, a certified Substance Use Disorder Counselor working as a Clinical Manager at...
Katy McLaren is an Enneagram business coach from Fort Collins, Colorado. After experiencing a very challenging and stressful 2019, the pandemic and a changing...
Dr Tara Jae is the founder and Executive Director of Youth Seen, an organization that concentrates on Queer and Trans Black, Indigenous, People of...